Speaking of genres: picture books, comics, silent books: how they differ from one another?
December 21, 2020
14:00 - 15:00
Despite the fact that all of these genres have been present on the Russian market for several years, doubts and inaccuracies in the distinction and understanding of genres are still relevant. At the meeting, our guests discussed who reads comics, where you can study to create comics. Experts compared comics and movies, illustrated books and comics, revealed the concepts of "comic", "picture book", told where the "graphic novel" genre came from, and also recommended comics, picture books and silent books for beginners.
Alexandra Bazhenova-Sorokina
philologist, teacher, educator, is engaged in transmedial narratology and comic book narratology, runs a Telegram channel about children's culture for adults Grownups_not_only.
Nicolas Grivel
Literary agent. He began his publishing career in 2003 as a senior editor for Pika (publisher of manga - Hachette France). He now owns an agency specialized in the sale of rights (paper, digital and media) of bande dessinée, comics, graphic novels in creation and in translation around the world.
Maria Orlova
PR-director of the Gus-Gus children audio application, former PR director of the Samokat publishing house. Moderator