How to open an art store and not to fail
December 21, 2020
What is an art book store? Who is the audience, how art bookstore differs from the usual
bookstore, what it sells besides books and who is the buyer in such stores. How do people
know about such stores? What are the bestsellers? How to work in pandemic conditions, what
else to sell? Do booksellers need artists and exhibitions to attract new clients?
Polina Bondareva
ideologist of the Masters Bookstore, a bookstore with rare art books, founder
of the St. Petersburg Masters school, a private educational project with lectures on the history of
fine arts, cinema, literature, arts and crafts (St. Petersburg, Russia)
Oleg Chernousov
founder of the Most art bookstore (St. Petersburg, Russia)
Pieter Verbeke
founder of the San Serriffe art bookstore (Amsterdam, Holland)
Elena Krylova
owner of the gallery and art store Cubed (Moscow, Russia)