Moscow International Book Fair
4-8 September 2024, Moscow Expo Center, Krasnopresnenskaya Naberezhnaya, 14

The event programme, the list of participating publishers and the fair plan can be found here.
Programme Highlights
Pages without Borders (Pavilion 5, 1st Floor, Hall 5.4)
Kevlar Age Anna Revyakina's Poetry Collection
“Kevlar Age” — that's what prominent Russian poet Anna Revyakina called the huge poetic upsurge of recent years. Kevlar is a light and durable material from which body armor is made. In poetry, Kevlar preserves the soul and conscience, does not let them disintegrate, change themselves. The new poetry collection includes poems by Anna Revyakina, which are characterized by urgency and special lyricism.
Pages without Borders (Pavilion 5, 1st Floor, Hall 5.4)
Vasily Makarovitch.
To the 95th anniversary of Vasily Shukshin's birth Evgeny Popov and Mikhail Gundarin Present the Book
In 2024 is the 95th anniversary of the birth of Vasily Shukshin. Especially for the anniversary the Editorial Office of Elena Shubina published a book by Evgeny Popov and Mikhail Gundarin “Vasily Makarovich”. The authors of the book build their own version of Shukshin's life and work, often refuting with documents and evidence common, philistine rumors about the Master, but not hiding all the known truth about him. One of them, writer and playwright Yevgeny Popov, was once personally given a ticket to Russian literature by Shukshin, another — novelist, poet, journalist Mikhail Gundarin — spent almost all his life near Srostki, in Altai.
Main Stage (Pavilion 5, 2nd Floor, Hall 5.2)
"The Secrets of Karenina": a Series and Exhibition Based on the Best-Selling Book by Pavel Basinsky
"The Secrets of Karenina" - a new documentary and game series based on the book by Pavel Basinsky. The mysteries of Leo Tolstoy's great novel are also the subject of an exhibition of the same name at Vitebsk Train Station in St. Petersburg, accompanied by an immersive audio performance. We will discuss the phenomenon of "Anna Karenina" with Pavel Basinsky and the creators of the series, exhibition and performance. New editions of the bestselling "The True Story of Anna Karenina" and Leo Tolstoy's novel will also be presented at the meeting.
Main Stage (Pavilion 5, 2nd Floor, Hall 5.2)
Asya Lavrinovich. Young Adult Literature: How to Write for Teenagers So They Believe You?
Writing for a young audience means understanding the world, interests, experiences and fears of this category of readers. How do you win the trust of teenagers through your books? How to choose an actual theme and build a narrative to make the text sincere and relevant? And which characters can become close to teenagers? Together with Asya Lavrynovych, the author of young adult prose, we will find out how to create stories that will be not only interesting but also important for the younger generation.
Main Stage (Pavilion 5, 2nd Floor, Hall 5.2)
Moscow. Walking into the Future... Illustrated Album
Over its centuries-long history, Moscow has experienced many dramatic events: epidemics, fires, revolutions, reconstruction, economic and cultural upheavals. But it was in the late XX — early XXI century that it both passed difficult trials and felt a multifaceted socio-economic, cultural and urban development boom of an incredible scale. The rich photographic material accumulated during the whole XX century, as well as new modern artistic photography of 2020–2024 — are the main visual content of the book.
Main Stage (Pavilion 5, 2nd Floor, Hall 5.2)
Victor Bout. The Unconquered A New Book by Oleksandr Gasiuk
For the United States, Victor Bout is a dangerous arms smuggler whose story was the basis for the 2005 movie “The Gun Baron” starring Nicolas Cage. For Russia, he is a citizen martyr, condemned thanks in part to the Hollywood movie and a sustained smear campaign in the Western media. But who is Victor Bout really?
Main Stage (Pavilion 5, 2nd Floor, Hall 5.2)
Visceralka. The Most Useful Stomach Book Timofei Karmatsky Presents
Timofei Karmatsky's new book contains simple techniques to improve the functioning of all important organs of the abdominal cavity, relieve tension, pain and spasms. You will learn how visceral massage works — a wellness practice with a centuries-old history. And everyone can master it! Timofey has been actively engaged in the study and development of natural methods of wellness for more than ten years. Over time, his knowledge and experience have developed into his own system, which includes everything you need for self-recovery.
Literary Salon (Pavilion 5, 1st Floor, Hall 5.3)
Olympics Beyond Politics: Myth or Reality?
Sport beyond politics, Olympic truce, Olympic ideals trampled — these expressions have been going from one political statement to another for many decades. Was big sport, top-level sport, really once outside politics? Why did the USA not boycott Hitler's Olympics of 1936, but met the Moscow Olympics of 1980 with a hard boycott? What does the history of world sport teach us?
Moscow International Children’s Book Fair
Children’s Stage (Outdoors, in front of Pavilion 5, Tent 5.5 / Moscow International Children's Book Fair)
Ballet Stories. To the 225th anniversary of Alexander Pushkin Cultural and educational project
Ballet Stories is a series of art performances combining musical, ballet and literary numbers in a single interactive format. This year the project is timed to coincide with the anniversaries of several outstanding Russian cultural figures: Alexander Pushkin, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai Gogol, and Anna Akhmatova. Young artists and famous figures of culture and art will take part in the theatrical performances, and the main children's library of the country - the Russian State Children's Library - will again become the venue.
Children’s Stage (Outdoors, in front of Pavilion 5, Tent 5.5 / Moscow International Children's Book Fair)
The Big Book of Bridges: Presentation with Airat Bagautdinov
The author of the book Airat Bagautdinov together with illustrator and architect Polina Shevchuk will guide you through the world of majestic bridges and tell you: - about the history of bridges: from ancient times to the present day, - the structure of beams, arches, trusses, suspension structures and their work, - about special technologies used in the construction of bridges, - about the construction of the most famous bridges in Russia and the world, such as the Pont du Gard Aqueduct, Ironbridge, Britannia Bridge, Golden Gate Bridge, Russian Bridge, Akashi-Kaike and many others. The book is ideal for family reading for parents with children ages 7 and up, as well as for independent study by all architecture enthusiasts.
Children’s Stage (Outdoors, in front of Pavilion 5, Tent 5.5 / Moscow International Children's Book Fair)
Dreams and Tales Tariff: a Story about the Incredible Adventures of a Taxi Driver!
Every day millions of people around the world use taxi services. The driver often becomes not only a traveling companion, but also someone who will help in a difficult life situation. Alpina.Deti Publishing house together with Alexei Oleynikov and the book's partner company Yandex.Taxi decided to open the veil of mystery and tell about the exciting everyday life of one driver — Ivan Mikhailovich! Together with his daughter Dasha, he goes to order a magical fare. Now the car can take the passenger anywhere: to another galaxy, the future or the kingdom of fairies!
Children’s Stage (Outdoors, in front of Pavilion 5, Tent 5.5 / Moscow International Children's Book Fair)
Secrets of a Child's Brain Development. What a Preschooler Needs to Learn Well
Elena Lashtabega, a pediatric neuropsychologist and expert in child brain development, thanks to her extensive experience, knows what is needed to prepare for school and when to start it. It is important to understand: a child's brain develops gradually, and it is dangerous for health to load children with knowledge and developmental activities at once: each skill needs its own time. Thanks to the tasks for testing knowledge and checklist you will be able to determine how well your child is ready for school, whether it is worth attending preparatory classes or kindergarten is enough, and, most importantly — when the child can go to the first grade.
Workshop space
Masterclass space (Outdoors, in front of Pavilion 5, Tent 5.5 / Moscow International Children's Book Fair)
Fruit and berry ice-cream. Plastilinography + applique
Who doesn't like ice cream? Everybody likes ice cream! When we were kids, that's for sure! We remember fairy tales and poems, sculpt out of bright plasticine, cut out of colored and corrugated paper all sorts of details and assemble it — festive ice cream in cones! This is such a tasty panel we will make with the kids. For children from 4 years old.
Masterclass space (Outdoors, in front of Pavilion 5, Tent 5.5 / Moscow International Children's Book Fair)
A Handmade Souvenir Based on Pushkin's Fairy Tales by Moscow Polytechnic Institute
Moscow Polytechnic has prepared an exciting journey into the world of creative industries! Create your own souvenir with your own hands by attending a professional master class on creative painting on plywood. Paint your fairy tale with acrylic paints or gouache and get a personalized painting as a gift. For children from 6 years old
Masterclass space (Outdoors, in front of Pavilion 5, Tent 5.5 / Moscow International Children's Book Fair)
Write a Story on the Carpet Based on Ekiat, the Armenian Fairy Tale by Emma Zimina
We invite children of all ages — from preschoolers to teenagers — to create extraordinary stories using unusual mechanics. You will learn about the symbolism of ornament, how stories from ancient times were “woven” into carpets. At our master class each child-participant will be able to create his/her own “story on the carpet” with the help of absorbent cotton, glue-pencil and paper blanks of knotted circles. All written stories you will be able to take away with you!
Masterclass space (Outdoors, in front of Pavilion 5, Tent 5.5 / Moscow International Children's Book Fair)
In the Gornitsa of the Free Wanderer A Bookmark
Children always learn a lot of new and interesting things at our cozy workshops with Serafima in the Gornitsa of the Free Wanderer. And at this master class they can learn to create extraordinary bookmarks for themselves and their friends with their own hands. All participants will make a bookmark for their favorite book and will be able to take it with them. For children from 6 years old
Moscow Libraries
Moscow Libraries (Pavilion 5, 2nd Floor, Hall 5.1)
Ethnically Muscovite
Nikolai Kalinichenko, poet, writer and literary critic, will share short humorous stories from the life of a native Muscovite with the guests of the fair. The format of the performance is stylized as a confidential conversation, which the capital's residents love to have when they gather in cozy Moscow kitchens.
Moscow Libraries (Pavilion 5, 2nd Floor, Hall 5.1)
Catering, Fast Food and HLS Food... Stories of Modern Restaurant Practices in Early Twentieth-Century Dining Establishments
The history of Moscow dining establishments is full of unexpected plot twists. When we talk about takeaway service, business lunches, summer verandas and rooftop venues, we mean what we are dealing with today. But all this was already in the early twentieth century! Let's find out who was the predecessor of food delivery couriers, what was handed out to guests to communicate with the outside world instead of modern wi-fi, how automatic buffets were organized, and why not all Muscovites liked to “hang in the sky”.
Moscow Libraries (Pavilion 5, 2nd Floor, Hall 5.1)
The Not-Good Apartment in the Life and Work of Mikhail Bulgakov
The “Not-Good Apartment” is one of the most recognizable names in the history of Russian culture, firmly associated with Mikhail Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita". We will talk about how the image of the “misbehaving” communal apartment and the plot of the fight between the intellectual protagonist and nightmarish neighbors run through Bulgakov's work, about how the “not-good apartment” looked like in the early editions of the “sunset novel” and how today it remains one of the most popular tourist spots.
Moscow Libraries (Pavilion 5, 2nd Floor, Hall 5.1)
The History of Moscow Charity
The history of charity in Russia has deep roots and begins in the pre-Christian period. With the adoption of Christianity, charity became the prerogative of the Russian Orthodox Church. At the lecture we will remember the names of the most famous Moscow benefactors, talk about the history of the development of merchant charity in Moscow, learn what architectural objects related to charity have survived to this day.
KNIGABYTE/Future of Books
Reading Space: the Future of the Book (Outdoors, in front of Pavilion 5, Tent 5.7)
E-Book School / Modern E-Books: What they Look Like and How They're Made
What do modern e-books look like? As a text with minimal design or as editions with a full-fledged layout? Anton Grishin and Maria Loginova will show on the live example of books in the “Stroki” service that the design of a digital book can be as good as the layout of a printed book, and in some respects even superior to it. And not only will they show, but also explain why this particular solution was chosen for book design.
Reading Space: the Future of the Book (Outdoors, in front of Pavilion 5, Tent 5.7)
E-Book School / Current Formats of eBooks and Audiobooks
The brightest events of the audiobook and audio series market will be presented by creative teams of their creators: Tales of Sorrow and Joy (Stroki book service); The Tunnel (Vimbo Audio Publishing House); The Petters. Children of the Mountains (Everbook Publishing); Iron Flame (VK).
Reading Space: the Future of the Book (Outdoors, in front of Pavilion 5, Tent 5.7)
Russian Literature Podcasts
We will talk about literary podcasts as a modern way of communication between representatives of the book world and their audience, identify trends, form hypotheses for the development of the format in the future, touch upon production, promotion and monetisation. The round table is addressed to publishers and independent authors, a wide audience interested in Russian culture and oriented towards professional realisation within the creative industries, as well as to the production community in the field of media and literature.
Reading Space: the Future of the Book (Outdoors, in front of Pavilion 5, Tent 5.7)
How to Tell Russian Folk Tales in a New Way Tales of Sorrow and Joy — a Multimedia Project of the Stroki Reading Service
A new reading of Russian folk tales from popular fantasy authors - winners of the "Oxygen" competition. The multimedia project "Tales of Sorrow and Joy" of MTS "Stroki" book service includes an electronic edition with animated illustrations, an audiobook, a comic book and an original soundtrack. The project was shortlisted for the "Book of the Year" national contest in the "Electronic Editions and Audiobooks" category.
Young Adult/Comics
Young Adult / Comics (Outdoors, in front of Pavilion 5, Tent 5.6)
Library Human Resources Policy: The Youth Issue
The seminar is devoted to the issues of the library industry human resources policy in relation to young people, its main trends and current challenges. The key speeches will be based on the results of the All-Russian research "Youth Personnel Resource of Libraries" and will concern the transformation of the library profession in the modern conditions of development of libraries and society as a whole. We will talk about the professional development of young specialists and their self-development in the library.
Young Adult / Comics (Outdoors, in front of Pavilion 5, Tent 5.6)
Looking to the Future: The Evolution of the Comic Book in the Digital Age and the Webtoon Phenomenon
Speakers will discuss the future of comics and webtooning in today's world, how the Internet and digitalisation have influenced the comics industry, opening up new opportunities for artists to experiment with storytelling techniques, and take a closer look at webtooning as a phenomenon consisting of two important aspects: the traditional comic book and the online platform needed to read it.
Young Adult / Comics (Outdoors, in front of Pavilion 5, Tent 5.6)
Yesenin. A Letter to Mother How the Graphic Novel was created
Why is the new book devoted specifically to Sergei Yesenin? What difficulties did the authors faced while preparing the materials? At the presentation of the graphic novel from the series "Silver Age Poets in Comics" the author of the idea of the series and co-author of the new volume Andrei Drozdov and comic book scriptwriter Alexander Kondratyev will tell the guests about the new book and the history of the entire series.
Young Adult / Comics (Outdoors, in front of Pavilion 5, Tent 5.6)
Drivers in Literature: How Independent Authors are Changing the Book Market
Independent authors form new literary trends and influence the book market. Representatives of literary portals and book publishers will discuss the influence of digital platforms on the popularisation of genre literature, new trends and innovative approaches that are gaining popularity among readers. They will tell how the book market today works with digital authors and helps them to achieve success, touch upon the topic of reader interest and interaction between authors and the audience.
Litres Festival of Authors and Reciters
Litres Festival of Authors and Reciters (Pavilion 5, 2nd Floor, Hall 5.2)
New Types of Audio Content: TTS and Podcasts
The future is already here! How do Litres voice books with TTS speech synthesis? Let's find out together why the development of technology is not painful and scary at all and how to adapt to new realities. And we will also talk about podcasts — why it is worth recording, what to pay attention to when creating this type of content, how to upload a podcast to Litres. And why podcasts are a good tool for promoting authors' books.
Litres Festival of Authors and Reciters (Pavilion 5, 2nd Floor, Hall 5.2)
Love is (un) Evil: the Role of Love in Fantasy Worlds
What role does the love line play in fantasy works? What is the success of "hot" relationships between book characters? Talk about dealing with romance lines, "edgy" scenes, and reader requests.
Litres Festival of Authors and Reciters (Pavilion 5, 2nd Floor, Hall 5.2)
Why is It Worth Trying? Success Stories from Authors Who Have Applied for the Competition. Announcement of the Electronic Letter Award longlist
Inspiring examples of those who risked and won: how participation in literary competitions helped authors to discover their talent, gain recognition and take their first steps towards success. And also on 6 September we will announce the longlist for the Electronic Letter 2024! — Russia's largest literary award in the field of electronic and audiobooks for digital authors and readers.
Litres Festival of Authors and Reciters (Pavilion 5, 2nd Floor, Hall 5.2)
In the World of Drawn Stories: What Makes Webtoons and Comic Books So Popular
We will explore the fascinating world of visual storytelling and discuss why it is capturing the hearts of millions of readers around the world. Together we will discover why comics and webtunes are soaring in popularity, what new experiences they offer to authors and readers, and how visual storytelling influences the perception of plot and characters. The event will be of interest to both fans of the genre and those who are just beginning to discover this world.
B2B Programme
Literary Salon (Pavilion 5, 1st Floor, Hall 5.3)
Demo Day of the Publishing and Printing ICC
The project “Editorial and Publishing Systems”, which will be presented at the demo day, is implemented on the initiative of the Industrial Competence Center (ICC) for the replacement of foreign industry digital products and solutions, including software and hardware complexes “Publishing and Printing”, and with the support of the Skolkovo Foundation. The product is designed to manage the editorial production process of content creation and preparation for the release of print and digital media. The event is designed for participants of the publishing and printing markets and representatives of the IT industry.
Reading Space: the Future of the Book (Outdoors, in front of Pavilion 5, Tent 5.7)
Mendeleev Wednesday
Siberian, Tobolsk resident Dmitry Mendeleev, who turned 190 this year, has become one of the main newsmakers of 2024. Not only in Siberian Tobolsk, the scientist's hometown, where 2024 is declared the Year of Mendeleev, but all over the country attention is turned to the renowned chemist. Several new books have been published or are being prepared for release, exhibitions and festivals are being opened, special projects related to the scientist's name and his legacy are being created. Restoring the tradition of “Mendeleev Wednesdays”, we decided to gather his friends on this very day of the week.
Main Stage (Pavilion 5, 2nd Floor, Hall 5.2)
In the Boundless Sea of Literature: Slovo, a New National Literary Award
The “Slovo” Prize is aimed at finding works of fiction based on love for the native land, spiritual and moral values, and respect for classical Russian tradition. The founders of the Prize are the Russian Writers' Union and the Russian Book Union with the support of the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives. The new literary prize, designed to unite the literary process in the country, will be presented by the members of the Board of Trustees and the jury.
Main Stage (Pavilion 5, 2nd Floor, Hall 5.2)
Russian Book Market — 2024
Within the framework of the 37th Moscow International Book Fair the Russian Book Union together with the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation will hold Russian Book Market — 2024, a traditional industry conference on the book market issues. During the conference, experts will discuss the state and prospects of the Russian book industry, the main trends of book publishing and book distribution in Russia in the first half of 2024, trends in the development of the electronic and audiobook market and the current state of printing.